Mark Rader Prayer Letter: Food DriveHere in Peru, the work continues. Our services continue online. We continue forward with daily devotionals, prayer meetings, soul winning, and other outreach meetings and events.

Until the end of June, we were prohibited from leaving the home on a Sunday. During July, people could begin to leave their homes, but public gatherings were still prohibited. We were now able to have a few helpers for our Sunday services. We also shared purified water and dried goods at the door of the church in between our service times. The police came by every Sunday to inspect what we were doing. Most of the time, they had no problem because we were sharing humanitarian aid. People are being saved every week.

During July, one of our very faithful Sunday school teachers visited us. She said that she had heard my wife’s testimony online, and it convicted her. She was very insecure about her salvation because she could not recall a time in her life that she called on the name of the Lord to be saved. We talked for a while about being saved versus feeling saved. Shortly after hearing Sarah’s testimony, she called on the Lord to save her. While giving a great testimony before being baptized, she said, “Being saved is not something you feel. Being saved is someone you are.” Her testimony energized our church. We also hear reports that Solange’s online children’s program has inspired many churches in Peru and other parts of South America.

August began with celebrating Luke’s first birthday. A week later, the president of Peru announced that Sundays would be closed again. We decided to respond with greater faith. We held services on Saturday. We went soul winning every day and had prayer meetings every day. We also ended the month with a food drive. We were privileged to provide groceries for more than 70 families, and 49 souls came to Christ in one afternoon.

We thank God for His mercies through these times. I write this in tears, because it serves as a reminder to me of how good God is to us. We thank Him for still opening doors for us to serve. Thank you for your faithful prayers. We see them in action. Please pray for our church. Many have lost loved ones. Please pray for our upcoming events. Thank you for your love, support, and prayers. God bless you.

In Christ in Peru,

Mark, Sarah, Savannah, Paul, Samuel, Rebekah, and Luke Rader