Luis Martinez Prayer Letter:  Spring ProgramJohn 14:6 says, “Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.” I pray that when you receive this letter you are doing well, along with your family and loved ones. My family and I are doing well and would like to thank you so much for being a part of this ministry.

We thank God for all the souls who have been saved and baptized throughout this year. We are grateful for all the first-time visitors who have attended our church recently. Many of those visitors have been saved and baptized and have joined our church. We are discipling our new converts and helping them to grow in the Lord.

Recently I witnessed to a 73-year-old Catholic lady who had been a practicing Catholic all her life. When I asked her if she was going to Heaven when she died, she replied that it was for God to decide. I told her that God had already decided and was not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. She told me that she would like to hear more, and I shared the Romans Road to Heaven with her. She was so touched by the Holy Spirit, and with tears in her eyes, Paulina prayed the sinner’s prayer and received Jesus Christ as her Saviour.

During the entire month of April, we are having our Spring Program. On April 26, we are celebrating our 30-year church anniversary. Please pray that we see many saved, baptized, and added to the church.


• Please pray for souls to be saved, baptized, added to the church, and discipled, especially during our Spring Program.
• Please pray for our church growth and its ministries.
• Please pray for more laborers.
• Please pray for our Christian school, Lighthouse Baptist Academy.

May God continue to bless you as you serve Him faithfully. Thank you very much for your love, prayers, and faithful support. WE DESIRE FRUIT TO YOUR ACCOUNT. God bless you.

In Christ,

Luis M. Martinez