Kounaro Keo Prayer Letter:  The Blessings of Furlough“Let them praise the name of the LORD: for he commanded, and they were created.” (Psalm 148:5)

This furlough has been a blessing for us. These past two months, we spent our time in the Midwest—Illinois, Indiana, and Ohio. I have brothers and a sister who live in Chicago. My family was able to visit them, and we enjoyed the fellowship there. Please continue to pray for my oldest daughter Kimberlee, who will be attending a Youth Conference in Hammond, Indiana, for the first time.

We also had the opportunity to attend our mission board’s Candidate School. The teachings were phenomenal. They were very encouraging and refreshing. There are always new things that we can learn as missionaries. There were friends there I went to college with whom I had not seen for many years; they, too, are missionaries.

KeoThe other day while we were sleeping, a storm came through our area and knocked half a tree off. Thank God! It did not hit my mother-in-law’s house.

Our church in Cambodia is doing great. We have three men who are helping with our ministries. Their names are Sokia, Barang, and Thom. Please pray for them. These past two months, we have had 5 adults visit our services and 2 adults accept God’s salvation.

Thank you again for loving missions and missionaries and for praying on our behalf. God bless you.

For Christ’s sake,

Kounaro, Chorvy, Kimberlee, Priscilla, Christina, & Jonathan