Kounaro Keo Prayer Letter:  Thank You for Your Prayers and Support“Grace be with you, mercy, and peace, from God the Father, and from the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of the Father, in truth and love.” (II John 3)

Thank you so much once again for your prayers and financial support. The rainy season has arrived, and our area has flooded two times already. However, we are just thankful that the hot season is over.

We had 3 saved and 1 baptized. The total number of visitors who came to our services for these two months was 17.

Our home has been invaded by termites. They have eaten our wooden doors, furniture, etc. We had a company by the name of Pet Buster come out and give us an estimate of the cost to get rid of the termites, and they said it would cost $1,000. If you can help us with this, please do so. Thank you.

For Christ’s sake,

Kounaro, Chorvy, Kimberlee, Priscilla, Christina, & Jonathan