Kounaro Keo Prayer Letter: COVID Restrictions Back in Place“I will delight myself in thy statutes: I will not forget thy word.”
(Psalm 119:16)

First of all, I would like to thank you so much for praying for our family as we traveled back to Cambodia. We arrived on February 14 and were quarantined for 14 days at a hotel. While we were quarantined, I had the opportunity to talk about the Lord to a young man who works at the hotel. It was clear that he had a very open heart, and he listened attentively as I tried to witness. This young man had many questions and doubts about his own religion, Buddhism. Although he has not yet received salvation, he is searching for the truth, and I was very glad and grateful for the opportunity from God to give him some light.

We were able to attend our church for one Sunday; however, the government had just decided to put a strong restriction on any kind of meetings for two weeks due to another surge in confirmed cases of the virus here. We have been here in Cambodia since 2003, but we have never seen such harsh restrictions of any kind. We were told that if the government found out that a foreigner had a meeting during this restriction, they would be thrown out of the country and never be allowed to return. If a national was caught, they would be put in prison, and the government would take away their license.

As I am writing this letter, I was told that one major road has been closed because of recent cases, and they don’t want the people to travel to Phnom Penh. We want to obey the government respectfully and pray for them as the Bible teaches. Please pray for us in this situation; pray that the restrictions will be lifted as soon as possible.

Lastly, please continue to pray for our oldest daughter Kimberlee, who is attending Bible college.

A few months ago, my Juno account was hacked; therefore, all of our supporting churches’ email addresses were lost. Because of this, my Juno account will no longer be used. Please use one of these two email addresses going forward: keo6cambodia@gmail.com or kounaro.keo@fbmi.org. Please respond back if you receive this prayer letter.

Thank you and God bless.

For Christ’s sake,

Kounaro, Chorvy, Kimberlee, Priscilla, Christina, & Jonathan Keo