Juan Vallejo Prayer Letter:  Building BlocksBuilding Blocks

Thank you again for your prayers and faithful support! Thank the Lord, through your giving, the roof is now on the second level. To God be the glory! Currently we have two workers putting a layer of cement over the bricks on the outside and inside of the church. This is a very labor-intensive and time-consuming task. Once they finish, the church will be ready for plastering and painting. We also need a layer of cement to seal the floor; eventually, as funds permit, we will need to install a tile floor. Many more costly tasks await: plumbing, city paperwork, baptistery, altar, bathrooms, and mothers’ room. Some of the supplies needed are benches and sound equipment. Please pray for the urgently needed funds to complete this $40,000 project! We thank the Lord that about 35 percent of this need has been met by our supporting churches.

Soul-Winning Statistics

On one Friday, I handed a Gospel tract to a man walking by our church. He said he was from the Assembly of God church. The following week he passed by and asked if I would help him make a visit to his friend Mimura, an 85-year-old neighbor who was dying. When we left, Josias asked if I would teach him how to share the Gospel with others. The next day I told my wife that she had an appointment at their home. She asked me what kind, and I thought to myself, “Divine.” It was divine, as she and Maria were able to lead Mimura’s daughter to the Lord. Vanessa paused as she listened to the Gospel and noticed her father was crying. Amy asked if it was due to pain; Vanessa knew his tears were for her! The following Friday I was asked to preach his funeral, where 30 friends and family made sure Heaven would be their home—before it was too late. There is an urgent need to get the Gospel out to those dying and without hope!

New Church Plant

While the work in the city of Sao Paulo continues, we cannot ignore the burden that the Lord has given us for an area outside the city where there are no Bible-teaching churches. As we minister to these dear people, their need for the truth of the Gospel is even more evident. They ask us questions that reveal their spiritual depravity. They have been fed lies for many years, and they are confused. It will take time and much prayer and teaching to help them out of the depths of despair, yet we thank the Lord that He has brought us here to teach them the truth before more false witnesses invade their hearts.
There is an urgent need to get the truth of the Gospel out before the false religions start knocking on doors in this area! Praise the Lord! Our family has led 20 souls to the Saviour in this neighborhood. Please pray with us that we can see many souls come to know the Saviour and grow in His grace.

The rent in this area is much lower than in the city. There is land for the church building and even facilities for a camp. Our climate is great for outdoor services right now, yet we will soon be in the winter months and in need of an adequate meeting place. The owners have approved and even drawn up plans for the church building. We are stepping out by faith, trusting that the Lord will provide for that which He has called us to do. Please pray, as the foundation for the building has begun.

Prayer Petitions

Please pray for our family’s health. Amy saw a specialist in March who was concerned about one of her test results. The chronic allergic sinusitis and bronchitis are wearing on her. She continues to deal with pain and weakness. Please continue to pray for our family’s safety and the children’s schooling. Not only are funds important to run the ministry, we also ask you to pray for laborers. We are one family striving to reach as many as we can with the Gospel. We are able to host groups for construction work, a single young lady or man to help with the family and church ministries, or a family or couple willing to help on a short- or long-term basis. Thank you, and may God bless you.

In His service,

The Vallejo Family