Jonathan Beil Prayer Letter:  God's Blessings on Our TravelsWhat an incredible four months of the new year we have had already! God continues to bless us and meet every need. We have had the privilege of being in 14 churches in the last 2 months, with half of those being missions conferences and several more being Missions-Emphasis Sundays. Our support continues to increase every month as new churches partner with us in bringing the Gospel to Thailand.

One great thing about being on the road is the opportunity to meet new friends and connect with old ones. While at a conference in Indiana, we were able to be with Chad Inman and his family, who are also a part of Team Thailand. This was a great time to fellowship, as we look forward to many years of serving God together. It was also a blessing to be a part of the annual Missions Conference of First Baptist Church in Hammond, Indiana, where our missions agency is located. The people of First Baptist Church gave above and beyond to the many missionaries at the conference, and we left overwhelmed by their generosity.

Another blessing of traveling is the opportunity to go soul winning with churches and connect with the people as we witness together. While at Mountain View Baptist Church, I was able to go soul winning with a man named Ron. He was recently saved and excited about sharing his faith with others. His fresh desire to share the Gospel with others was convicting. This past week we were back at our church in West Virginia and were able to go soul winning with the Teen Department and our good friends, Jason and Lacey MacRae. It was great to see the teens we taught before deputation out sharing the Gospel with others.

Thank you to those who prayed for my wife’s grandpa, Dan Daniel, who had been in the hospital since the beginning of the year. He fought his sickness for many months, but the Lord chose to take him Home to Heaven on April 2, the day after Resurrection Sunday. God definitely planned our travels and allowed us to be in the area already before and after his passing. The day before Pawpaw went to be with the Lord, all the family sat around and sang hymns and Scripture songs to him. Even though he was known for his great singing voice, he could no longer speak, but he lifted up his hands to Heaven as we sang. He shared the Gospel with almost every nurse and doctor during his time in the hospital. Through his hard times, many people at the hospital trusted Christ. Dan Daniel lived a life for God and was one of His most faithful servants. Thank you for praying for our family at this difficult time. We all look forward to Heaven one day.

The next few months will be very busy for us. We have many meetings to attend, and we will also be taking a trip to Thailand at the end of May. We are so thankful for my pastor, Bruce Goddard, who paid for our flights, as well as other churches who gave toward this trip. Please pray for our safety, for us to be able to share the Gospel, for us to get a better grasp of the country before we move, and for our language to keep improving. Thank you for all you do for us and for our Saviour.

In His service,

Jon & Brittany Beil
