John Hays Prayer Letter: I Was ThirstyI was thirsty. I read this today differently than yesterday. Today I see Jesus in a thirsty person—I was thirsty, and ye gave me drink. Yesterday I believed no one was thirsty because people were alive; today I see lost souls. Yesterday I saw physical people; today I see open doors. Yesterday I saw no ministry calling on my life; today I see urgency. Yesterday I lived for myself.

This translates to God’s work of urgency. The year 2020 saw 1,661 villages receive a chlorine system throughout 14 countries under the direction of national pastors. The Living Water was presented as well, and souls were saved. Some of the countries served were the Republic of the Congo, Nicaragua, Malawi, Kenya, Peru, Panama, Uganda, Nepal, Honduras, Burundi, Rwanda, Brazil, Mexico, and Ghana.

The following report came from Malawi:

Teams are so happy to receive the project and have committed to work so hard so as to rescue their land and heal their communities . . . The introduction of the chlorine project in this community is considered a great response as far as these communities are concerned. So there’s a great joy and happiness and great expectation of the wonderful healings and good healthy to the suffering people in the more communities of Malawi and Mozambique. More people are praying for you. Praise the Lord !!!!

This report came from the Republic of the Congo:

Praise the Lord, systems for pure water have been a great tool to bring souls to Christ for salvation. Some of these beautiful souls after meeting them on the streets when we were doing soul winning and evangelism, they accepted Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Saviour. Today they showed their commitment to Christ and church services, we gave them chlorine systems for pure water, you can see the joy shining on their faces from the bottom of their hearts. THANK YOU BROTHER JOHN HAYS AND THE ENTIRE TEAM THAT WORKS TOGETHER TO MAKE THIS HAPPENED AND CHRIST’S KINGDOM BEING BUILT THROUGH THIS SPECIAL SERVICES/PURE WATER CHLORINE SYSTEMS. GOD BLESS YOU ALL RICHLY. We will update you on more soon. One again, God bless.

May Jesus be glorified,

John Hays