Jerry Wyatt, Jr. Prayer Letter:  To God Be the Glory!WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME you had an overwhelming need? You simply had to have a miracle because you saw no way forward. The children of Israel were encamped along the shore of the Red Sea with no way forward and the Egyptian army behind them. They needed a miracle! And God sent it!! God told Moses to tell the people to go forward by faith after Moses lifted up his rod over the sea. As we well know, God parted the Red Sea, and the people went forward on DRY ground! God received all the glory. We, too, were recently facing some overwhelming needs. We continued to trust God and wait on Him. The Lord, through two different miraculous avenues, MORE than met all the needs. We are only able to see God do great and mighty things in our lives if we let Him (in His timing) meet the need. When He does the miracle that meets the need, He gets the glory!

THERE HAS BEEN A LOT OF SEVERE FLOODING THIS RAINY SEASON, and the area surrounding the church has not been spared. It has been such a blessing and a challenge to us personally to see the people continue to come to church despite needing to remove their shoes and wade through water, which is sometimes rushing and knee-deep in places. One day, there will be a road to the church property, but the area around the church has not been developed yet. So until that time, the rainy season proves to be a bit challenging to all of us. Although our car is not high off the ground, by God’s grace, we have been able to make it to the church through very high water and mud. We are very thankful for the good rains this year, which provided for a good harvest. It has just been difficult during the times of flooding.

AS A RESULT OF THE GOOD RAINS, many people have planted rice all around the church property. Yohana, who often works at the church, witnessed to one of the men, Majuto, working in his fields. He invited Majuto to church, and one recent Sunday, both he and his wife came to church. Both trusted Christ as their personal Saviour, and not only has Majuto been faithful to attend, but he has also begun discipleship lessons.

GOD HAS OPENED A NEW DOOR OF MINISTRY OPPORTUNITY WORTHY OF YOUR INVESTMENT OF TIME IN PRAYER! Just this month, we were invited to begin teaching/preaching during the religion hour at our local teachers’ college. These students are preparing to go out all over Tanzania to teach in the public schools. With the freedom to still teach biblical principles in our public schools, what an awesome opportunity this will be to have a part in their training spiritually and to encourage them to influence their future students for Christ and the kingdom of God. Our first objective, of course, will be to encourage all these college students themselves to place their faith in Christ alone, if they have not already done so. Try to imagine what God could do with an army of Christian teachers yielded to Him going all over Tanzania with the opportunity to teach and influence thousands of students for His glory!

PLEASE CONTINUE TO PRAY SPECIFICALLY FOR THE KIGOMA OPPORTUNITY we mentioned in our last prayer update. God can “part the Red Sea” again!

THANK YOU FOR PRAYING FOR WATER SERVICE TO THE CHURCH.  The main line is finished in front of the church, and we will be paying for our hook-up today! Praise the Lord! Once again, He deserves all of the glory!

SARAH WILL BE COMING HOME TO TANZANIA FOR TWO MONTHS! Please pray for her long trip to Tanzania, our long trip (17-19 hours) to Dar es Salaam to pick her up at the airport, and the opportunity to minister together again during these summer months. We are so thankful for this miracle!

TIM JUST CELEBRATED HIS 16TH BIRTHDAY LAST MONTH. He is an incredible blessing to us and the church. Among many other things, he helps in Sunday school each week and teaches in two elementary schools.

Jerry Wyatt, Jr. and Family