Henry Gonzalez Prayer Letter:  When God Opens DoorsWhen God opens doors, it is often very exciting to walk through them. So has been the case of recent soul-winning experiences in the work here in Santa Ana. Ricardo and Margarita recently started attending our church. This couple came because Margarita, an immigration case worker here in Santa Ana who has often helped us with the Resident Visa process, asked one morning where our church was. She exchanged phone numbers with our church secretary, who handles all of our immigration processes, and through several phone calls and texts, she told Claudia of their desire to attend a good church. We were thrilled when they came on a Sunday morning two months ago. God is working in their lives, and we are happy to take the opportunity to help in any way possible. Please pray for their growth and maturity in Christ.

Jason, a young man with whom I have had the opportunity to have weekly follow-up visits since August of last year, has been soul winning faithfully with me every Tuesday evening. It is a thrill to watch him enjoying seeing people come to Christ. Please pray for him and his young family. They have so many obstacles to overcome in their lives.

Luis and Magali are another couple whom I have been working with on a weekly basis. They will start soul winning with me next week. There is nothing as exciting as watching a new Christian take the steps toward witnessing to others.

On June 1 of this year, we will have a new president. These changes in power always bring a greater measure of instability and, all too often, violence from the gangs. These gangs try to send a message to the incoming administration that they are in control. Due to this phenomenon, there has been an escalated number of violent deaths in our area. Please pray for our safety and the safety of those in our community and church. Please pray that people will be more open to the Gospel as they face uncertain times.

God has been very gracious in allowing us to look forward to enjoying several months of our son Daniel and his wife Megan coming to work with us on an internship basis. We have several projects lined up for Daniel and Megan to tackle. They are doing this in preparation for deputation to come to El Salvador as missionaries. We never dared to even dream that our kids would one day want to work alongside us. As parents, we only wanted them to fulfill God’s will in their lives without our interference. That God would call Daniel to El Salvador is humbling to me. That Daniel would choose to work with me is equally humbling. El Salvador was my calling. To know that God has placed that same calling on my son’s heart brings a joy to my soul that is unspeakable.

I ask that you pray for the following for Daniel and Megan:

• Pray that their temporary ministry of the next few months will produce fruit that remains.
• Pray that this experience will serve as a great stepping stone in their future ministry of deputation and coming to the field of El Salvador.
• Pray that God would provide their every need according to His will.
• On a personal note, I would ask that you pray for Megan’s parents and siblings. They are amazing parents and are happy to see God use Megan in this way, but I know that at the same time, it must be very difficult to let their little girl go into the unknown.

Please be in prayer for the above requests. Thank you for praying for us and supporting us here in El Salvador. Our greatest need is prayer. Our second greatest need is more laborers. May God bless you as you endeavor to meet both of these needs on our behalf.

Your friend,

Henry Gonzalez