Fisa Mihy-mihyndu Prayer Letter:  Bible Mass Production and Pressing ForwardHappy New Year! I am so grateful for your constant prayers, uplifting words, gift cards, care packages, and support! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you very much for giving to our Lord for the fulfillment of His work and will in Gabon (Matthew 28:18-20).


It is written, “And daily in the temple, and in every house, they ceased not to teach and preach Jesus Christ.” (Acts 5:42) I spent most of December in Reno, Nevada. God allowed me the great privilege to pull up a seat in the ministry among some of God’s most sold-out and dedicated people at my home church. Under the leadership of Pastor Ralstin, God allowed us to have great turnouts and see dozens of souls trust Jesus Christ alone as Saviour. Glory to God! I recall one Thursday morning while soul winning, God used my pastor greatly to see 2 former Catholics receive Jesus Christ as Saviour. One Sunday shortly after the morning service, I sat down with Marino, who had no assurance of salvation. I found out he had trusted Christ in the Philippines some years before. As we opened the Scriptures, he got it settled by the Bible that his sins were forgiven, that he had eternal life, and that he was a child of God. A few days later, he got baptized. Soon he started passing out tracts. Recently, he told me that he had just helped an old Filipina get saved. Praise the Lord! Please pray for Marino’s growth. He has a burden for his family. On January 26 in Fort Smith, Arkansas, I had the blessed privilege to see Joshua trust Jesus Christ as Saviour. When I asked him if he had a Bible at home, his reply was negative. I offered to send him one by mail, and he gladly accepted it. Please pray for his growth. Thank God for allowing me the privilege of seeing 7 precious souls receive Jesus by faith as Saviour.


The Bible states, “Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen.” (Matthew 28:20) God has been working in the lives of many of my converts and trainees.

• Marino said, “When I was at Burger King, I also witnessed to an old Filipina lady, and she accepted the Lord Jesus Christ.”
• Preston said, “Thank you! It means a lot you are still praying for me.”
• Alfonso said, “Thank you for your prayers.”
• Bol said, “I need to go to church. I will bring my wife and kids too.” Bol is originally from Sudan. While in Amarillo, Texas, in mid- January, I attempted to go pick him up for church, but he had just gotten up. I connected him with Pastor Chadwick of Central Baptist Church. Please pray for his growth and church attendance.

Ministry Presentation

I left Reno for some meetings in Alabama, Tennessee, Kentucky, Texas, and Colorado shortly after Christmas. God blessed me with several opportunities to witness in hotels, rest stops, fast-food restaurants, streets, post offices, banks, gas stations, etc. God graciously opened some doors for me to present the ministry before several churches in New Mexico, Texas, and Oklahoma. In Amarillo, Texas, I had the blessed privilege to go soul winning with Pastor Chadwick of Central Baptist Church. I greatly marveled at the wisdom and knowledge God’s given him. We completed our soul-winning efforts with a visit at a young couple’s house. They came to church the following Sunday. At Central Baptist Church, God allowed me the privilege of presenting His vision for Gabon, teach Sunday school, and challenge the Christian school students the following day. I was truly blessed by the incredible hospitality and graciousness I received in those churches. I was also greatly encouraged by their sound doctrine, genuine faith, heart for souls, and love for missions. They are sacrificially spending and being spent for the cause of Christ.

Praise the Lord for two new supporting churches: Heritage Baptist Church of Little Rock, Arkansas; Northgate Baptist Church of Norman, Oklahoma!


It is written, “Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us, Unto him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, world without end. Amen.” (Ephesians 3:20-21) Praise the Lord for the immense privilege to work with Bearing Precious Seed to print 10,000 French hardback, whole Bibles, 10,000 French New Testaments, and 10,000 French John and Romans! Lighthouse Baptist Church, under the leadership of Pastor Ralstin, is working with other churches in Nevada to add several thousand additional French Bibles for the work in Gabon. I thank God for my home church family. Thank you very much for all your investments towards the Bible project! Please pray for an ongoing French Bible-recording project. There are 199 days left before heading to the mission field. Thank you very much for your constant, fervent prayers and support!! May the Lord bless you even more this year as you serve Him faithfully!!!

That all everywhere may hear,

Bro. Fisa Mihy-mihyndu


1. 7 souls saved
2. 1 baptism
3. New converts’ growth
4. $8,500 raised for the Bible project
5. Partnership with Bearing Precious Seed
6. Partnership with Tract League
7. 2 new supporting churches

Prayer Needs

1. Souls to be saved
2. Converts’ growth
3. 5 new churches each month
4. 10,000 French hardback, whole Bibles
5. 10,000 French New Testaments
6. 10,000 John and Romans
7. 1,000,000 French Gospel tracts
8. 10,000 Gospel tracts in Punu
9. French Bible recording
10. Translation of discipleship materials

“But thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord.”
(I Corinthians 15:57-58)