Dave Whitmore Prayer Letter: "The LORD is My Rock, and My Fortress, and My Deliverer"Over the past several months, it seems that almost everywhere we have gone we have heard, “I’m praying for you and your family!” Since Dawn and I have given ourselves to hearing, helping, loving, and praying for our PEOPLE in Brazil, it has been overwhelming to hear those words! “Thank you” will never adequately express our gratefulness to each one for investing time in praying for our son Nathan. May our God continue to bless each one of you in your service for our Saviour!

In November of last year after three hospital stays in eight months, the Holy Spirit directed us to a neurologist who proved that Nathan’s abnormal behavior and severe mood swings were due to an accident he suffered at work back in March 2018. At the same time, Pastor Marvin Smith lll—a godly counselor, the host of the Spiritual Warfare Conference for the past 18 years, and the pastor of Harvest Baptist Church—agreed to meet with him for two days (January 14-15) to help him spiritually. Truly God is hearing your prayers and used the time in Fort Dodge, Iowa, in more ways than we can see now! Before traveling back to Indiana, Nathan accepted Pastor Smith’s invitation to return the next week to enroll at Harvest Baptist Bible College. At a doctor’s appointment here in Indiana on the 10th of this month, the doctor was greatly encouraged to see the changes in Nathan’s attitude. Please PRAY that the doctors and their staff will want to know the Great Physician!

During our time here in the U.S., I have maintained contact with several families in Taubaté that have either not yet visited our church or have not visited in a few years. Please pray with us that when we return, we can help them and their friends to know and trust in Jesus as the Great Physician.

News From New Life Baptist Church (Igreja Batista Nova Vida) in Taubaté

They found a location for camp about 40 minutes away. Several families (more than 50 people) spent four days together during the last week of February. The theme was “Maybe Today!” “Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ.” (Titus 2:13) May we live every day as if it could be our last!

On March 7 & 8, our church in Taubaté will have a two-day Evangelistic Conference with Pastor Romulo Ribeiro. Through the Bible Broadcasting Network (BBN) radio station in our city, this pastor is heard on a daily basis by people of all walks of life and of varying beliefs. Please PRAY with us for the Holy Spirit to draw the people to come and hear our Saviour speak to them through the music and preaching and to put their complete trust in Him as their only hope for forgiveness and Heaven.

It does not seem possible that our sixth child Karlene will be graduating this spring and preparing to attend Hyles-Anderson College in the fall. Please PRAY for Dawn and me and Zachary (age 9) as we prepare to travel to some of our supporting and new churches until we know that Nathan is completely back on his feet physically, spiritually, and emotionally.

Two Saturdays ago while with our son Jonathan on his bus route, Arthur (an adult man who lives and helps on his route) and I were able to witness to two different teenagers in a home where the mother and several children ride every week.

For the PEOPLE of Brazil,

Dave, Dawn, and Zachary Whitmore