Darrell Ratcliff Prayer Letter:  We Are Truly BlessedMy wife and I want to say thank you so much for all your love, prayers, support, cards, emails, gifts, and other acts of kindness this past year. Only Heaven will truly reward you for all you have done to help us reach precious souls with the Gospel. We are truly blessed and so grateful for all your generosity.

In Matehuala, we did a huge evangelistic campaign. We held evangelistic clubs in different areas and a big evangelistic rally on Friday. We were able to preach the Gospel in the city and nearby areas to over 2,095 people; and, praise the Lord, around 1,535 people indicated they were trusting Christ as their Saviour!

Then we traveled to Southeast Mexico to help several churches in evangelistic campaigns. In one church close to Villahermosa, we did an evangelistic campaign on a Saturday. Praise the Lord! About 130 people came, with about 65 trusting Christ as their Saviour. The pastor and church were very excited because on Sunday morning, they had 60 visitors in their church! Later in the actual city of Villahermosa, we helped another church. They have several bus routes in their church, so we did several campaigns with the different routes, and around 1,000 people trusted Christ! To God be all the glory! The pastor was also excited that on Sunday, even though it poured rain all day, they had many visitors come to the church.

Later in and around Mérida, Yucatán, we helped 3 different churches. One church had around 250 people saved, another 171, and the other 378. Praise the Lord! God is still in the soul-saving business! Amen!

We are still in Southeast Mexico, a long way from where we live. We were told that the police came in and towed away our trailer from beside our house. So, I would ask that you pray much that we will be able to get our trailer back without any damage and with nothing stolen from it. Inside the trailer, I have various inflatable games, a mechanical bull, and other equipment that we use to help churches to reach precious souls with the Gospel. So, we would really appreciate it if you would pray fervently that we would be able to get everything back to be able to use it to reach more people for Christ.

My friends, words cannot express how grateful we are for all your love, prayers, and support that are helping us to make a difference for the Lord. Please pray that God would use us in a greater way to see more souls saved for the glory and honor of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Yours for souls,

Darrell Ratcliff
Philippians 4:13