Darrell Ratcliff Prayer Letter:  Preaching Christ in the Cities!Wow! Praise the Lord! These past two months have been very exciting for the furtherance of the Gospel! Pastor Noonan and several folks from Faith Baptist Church of Wisconsin came to visit us, as well as some other missionaries they support. They made us feel very loved and appreciated. It was so exciting, as we all worked together to do a great evangelistic outreach for Christ in the city of Guadalajara. We were very busy! We handed out several thousand invitations and tracts and set up several inflatable games and a mechanical bull in two different locations. We had people dress up in costumes and used megaphones to invite people from schools and surrounding areas. It was truly amazing! I was told that we preached the Gospel to over 1,700 people; and, praise the Lord, around 1,350 people indicated that they were trusting Christ as their Saviour. What a great victory we had for the Lord Jesus Christ!

Later in Comonfort, Guanajuato, we did another evangelistic outreach and had around 300 people trust Christ as their Saviour. Then I preached in several Evangelistic Clubs or Bible Clubs in Matehuala, and over 550 people heard the Gospel, with around 350 people saved. To God be all the glory!

I also had a wonderful opportunity to preach in a conference in Monterrey, Mexico, emphasizing the importance of how we need to do the work of an evangelist in order to complete our ministry. My wife got to teach the ladies during the conference as well. Praise the Lord! The conference was great, and many wonderful decisions were made for the cause of Christ.

Afterward I helped a young church do an evangelistic outreach in Guanajuato, Guanajuato. We were able to give the Gospel to around 530 people, and about 400 people trusted Christ as their Saviour. The young pastor was so excited, and on Sunday the church was packed.

Let me share with you another blessing. I preached the Gospel in Queretaro, and around 350 people were saved! Oh, praise the Lord! God is still in the soul-saving business. Amen!

Thank you so much for your love, prayers, and support that are helping us to reach precious souls for Christ.

Yours for souls,
Darrell Ratcliff
Philippians 4:13