Daniel Kokubun Prayer Letter:  Missions in MichiganYou know the calm that comes after a long, terrible spring storm in crazy Oklahoma weather? This is what I feel these past few weeks have been for me. I grew up with tornadoes, hail, and storms in Oklahoma, which seem like a ready comparison to the grief and valley I’ve been through this past year. Thankfully, through God’s grace, it seems the clouds are beginning to lift just a little, and I have been able to have some relief. My trip in May was the first time I’ve seen the Lord “pull back the curtain” so to speak, that I might begin to see a little light in my valley of the shadow of death.

It was an honor and privilege to travel to Michigan to share our story with the ladies of Beth Haven Baptist Church. After spending much time in prayer for the special day, seeing God’s hand and presence upon us at that meeting meant the world to me. The theme of the conference was “O Taste and See That the Lord Is Good.” I thank God for entrusting this opportunity to me and pray He was pleased with the outcome. After a short five days in Michigan, I was ecstatic to fly back home to Peru to continue what the Lord has called me to do.

Twelve Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups, even on a cold, cloudy winter day, somehow worked magic and motivated two teams of my teens to witness to over 50 people while soul winning one week! For His glory, 31 of those people received Him as their Saviour! I love to see God working, moving, and continuing to use His people here in Lima! (I think I’ll sacrifice more of my American chocolate more often if it means seeing results like 31 people saved in one day!)

We have torn down the wall that used to be at the back of our auditorium for expansion! This should allow another 75 people or so to have seating. We’re getting our building ready for our 4th anniversary here in Lima this coming July 10! The Lord has been gracious to allow our church to see 647 souls saved so far this year. The Gospel is readily received here. The only thing that limits us is a lack of time and a lack of workers. Would you pray that the Lord would send us people who are willing to jump into the yoke and help us reach the 9 million people in Lima?

While my mom was in town, we held a fun and crazy activity for my girls, whom I call “His Princesses.” The group continues to grow as I strive to lead each one closer to Him.

Thank you for your prayers and support. God is good!

Gratefully serving Him,

Heather Kokubun