Chris Sage Prayer Letter:  God's Grace in Church PlantingI am rejoicing in what the Lord has done over the past two months, and it would not be possible without your prayers and support.

Mathew 16:18 says in the words of the Lord Jesus Christ, “I will build my church.” He has shown me how interested in and able He is to do just that. When I took the new church plant in Tizapan, on our first Sunday, December 25, there were 2 people in attendance. With the help of Pastor Murillo and the church in Guadalajara, we were averaging between 20-30 people before too long, sometimes much more.

Thank you for your prayers for a full-time pastor in Tizapan. Recently the Lord put it on the heart of a young man to take the church. It was my privilege to organize the candidacy and church vote. He is a fine young man of 33, with a wife and three godly children. The church voted unanimously on May 28 to call him as the first full-time pastor. The people have been tithing and giving generously enough that he is even able to be full-time without much outside employment.

The Lord impressed on my heart from I Chronicles 16 what a monumental day in the history of Israel it was when the Ark of the Covenant came to rest in Jerusalem. It was an event accompanied with much praise and rejoicing. The people of Tizapan might not realize it, but May 28 was one of the greatest days of their history also. Now they have hope in the Lord Jesus.

I have been amazed at the grace that the Lord has given me in church planting. Please pray for us here in Guadalajara. I will be helping another new church get started here, with a young man who already has a calling and a vision. There are four families in a town nearby on Lake Chapala that would also like to get a church started. Missionary Evangelist Steve Brockman will be staying in my house for about a month. He has a full schedule at the new church plants and other places. I hope that we will be able to get the church started on Lake Chapala with his help in July.

Please pray for a wonderful honeymoon in Tizapan that will last 20, 30, or even 40 years. The church in San Agustin continues to grow, but please pray for a full-time pastor there. Also, please pray for the other new church plants and the meetings with Missionary Evangelist Steve Brockman.

Yours for souls,

Chris Sage