Chad Inman Prayer Letter: Salvations, Language-School Initiatives, and MoreWe rejoice with you on many people being saved since our last prayer letter. Although viruses are forefront in the news and in conversation, we continue to carry on wisely with the important work of the Lord. On Saturday morning, March 7, 52 students came to learn at our language school, with additional students signed up for the coming weeks. This is a significant increase and an answer to prayer in keeping our school strong and successful, while keeping our visas on solid ground. Many of these students are our church kids, while others are learning with us for the first time. Our programs are aimed at helping the young people grow at an affordable price. We want our efforts in this area to be another contact point and an outwardly stretched arm to seeing people saved and growing in the Lord. Every week, and perhaps every day, our church members pray for those around them to be saved and for the dear people of Thailand to know the biblical truth of the Gospel.

Three weeks ago, I officially took over our adult Sunday school class for English-speaking members. We’ve had three visitors in the past two weeks, and many visitors have come in previous months. Our Hua Hin church is located in a tourism area, which is gaining in popularity. The opportunity is a big one, in reaching both the English visitor and the English resident. Please pray that more would be saved, come to church, and see personally the need for growth in Jesus. Also, pray that the class members would see the need for more Thai people to learn of our Saviour. Thank you for praying for our family, our team, our church, and the people of Thailand. I am looking forward to updating you along the way!

Grateful to serve,

Bro. Chad Inman