Chad and Sarah Inman Prayer Letter: "Bear Ye One Another's Burdens, and So Fulfil the Law of Christ."“Bear ye one another’s burdens, and so fulfil the law of Christ.”
(Galatians 6:2)

Once again, we are blessed to have praying brothers and sisters in Jesus like you, helping the ministries to keep rolling forward! March was a unique month, where sicknesses impacted both the Nong Phlap and Hua Hin churches, but God prevailed. This carried over from the prior month, but as of today, almost everyone is healthy and at full strength, with only a few still recovering. In the month of March, those healthy in the Nong Phlap church kept on with in-person services on three of the four Sundays and one of the four Wednesdays (yesterday, March 30, was our reopening for Wednesdays). Attendances are back up to about 75% with all services posted online. The entire church works hard to communicate with each other, checking on health, meeting medicinal needs, and making sure everyone has food. Members continue to give faithfully, attend church, and watch online. The spirit, joy, and fellowship in the Nong Phlap church is strong and of one accord. Pastor Pong and Brother Star are faithful and fervent for the Lord, and I enjoy the serving, teaching, and training of these men as they serve, learn, and grow.

Preaching and Teaching for International Baptist Church – Hua Hin

We thank the Lord for being a part of a team. When one person or, in this case, several people are recovering from sickness or downtime, others can step in. This was the case for our dear sister church in Hua Hin, which our team planted in 2012. As staff members needed time to heal, I was blessed to be able to fill the pulpit for two weeks at IBC – Hua Hin, while Pong and Star handled the services in Nong Phlap. It was a great growing opportunity for both of them.

The Mr. Boomee Family

Boomee has been coming faithfully to our church since 2013. He and his family rarely miss a service. This past week, we learned that Boomee’s wife and daughter are quite ill. As a church, we stepped in to give food and medicine. They were down to just a little rice and a few eggs. The Lord is healing them, and soon they’ll be back to work and church. Please pray for Boomee and Meena.

Ms. Fai

Fai is a 23-year-old lady who has a 16-month-old daughter and is nearly due with her second child, a boy. Her husband left her during this pregnancy, and she needed to stop working with the baby coming. She found a discounted apartment to live in, but that was about the end of her finances. Merciful individuals and the Nong Phlap church helped Fai with food, supplies, baby needs, medicines, and the paperwork necessary to have the baby at a low cost. My kids gave what was a large amount for them, and the very next day, a dear friend called us, wanting to send monies to our family. My kids saw Proverbs 19:17 in action, “He that hath pity upon the poor lendeth unto the LORD; and that which he hath given will he pay him again.” Fai is super thankful for God’s provision, and you can see the hope and joy in her eyes from the outpouring of help and prayers. She will have the baby in the next week. Please pray for Fai and her baby boy.

Soul Winning

With God’s grace, soul winning is an effort that we continue to make sure happens each week, regardless of COVID cases, closings, masks, and the whole ball of wax. We have found that people are looking for eternal answers, more than they ever have before. People are lost and confused, and many are facing loss of health. The Gospel is the best thing for these people, just like it is for you and me.

On different days, we came across men fishing. On one occasion, I jokingly told Star, “That man is fishing for fish, and we are fishing for him.” These are empty beaches near fishing hubs. In both cases, the fishermen were saved, having never heard the Gospel before: Jin, age 30, and Nu, age 45. The scenery near the ocean is beautiful, and many stop by to be inspired or refreshed. Such was the case for Saamleet (his name means “3 liter”), age 63, taking a short break from his work. He pulled up on his motorcycle, and 15 minutes later, in the blazing sun, Saamleet trusted Jesus as his Saviour. Sooksok, also age 63, was preparing his motorcycle food cart /“restaurant on wheels” one Friday morning. Sooksok moved to Hua Hin years ago from a faraway province to have a better livelihood. Sooksok was very interested in God’s plan of salvation, was saved, and, with tears in his eyes, asked, “Why has it been so many years until I heard this important truth?” But yet, he was so happy that he now knew the truth of God’s Word. As we left him, he just sat there for several minutes, enjoying the peace, the serenity, and the assurance of knowing Heaven is real and he will go there one day. He was looking for life’s answers, and that morning, the answers were found. Sixteen souls were saved this month out of the Nong Phlap church. Please pray for more of the dear lost people of Thailand to find Jesus.

The Burmese Orphanage

In letters past, I’ve shared about this orphanage that our IBC – Nong Phlap church supports, along with other individual supporters. The orphanage was asked to leave the property they were renting. A Christian Karen woman in the USA knew of a pastor in Burma who was trying to sell his land. The pastor sold the land cheaply to this woman, because he knew she was buying the land for the orphanage to operate on. Today, the orphanage is erecting a new building, and their needs are being met. The orphanage is a soul-winning ministry, sharing their personal testimonies, and giving the Gospel or learning to do so. They faithfully watch every online service from our IBC – Nong Phlap church. Please continue to pray for the children and caretakers of the orphanage as they grow in the Lord a distance away in Burma.

Grateful to serve,

Bro. Chad Inman & Family

Pictures for this letter can be downloaded at Inman March 2022 Prayer Letter.