Brian George Prayer Letter: Great Need for Gospel Literature in ArgentinaWe would like to thank you for praying and giving for the need to print Gospel literature here in Argentina. Our goal is to distribute one million pieces of literature per year. The biggest hindrance to our reaching this goal is the lack of funds to print the literature. In the past, I depended on boxes of tracts from the USA, but now it is not working to mail boxes to Argentina—we need to print here! We have the pastors and soul winners ready and waiting to pass them out. For more information about this need, please visit our web page at Thank you for your prayers!

Praise the Lord! So far this year, we have been able to print and pass out 420 Bibles, 210,000 full-color Gospel tracts, and 111,500 full-color Gospel booklets with the plan of salvation fully illustrated. My estimate is that each Gospel tract is read once and each booklet is read up to three times and passed around to others. People here readily accept literature and want to read it. They read the literature and then pass it along to others. Many are saved just through reading a Gospel tract.

My goal for next year is to pass out one million Gospel tracts or booklets. Each Gospel tract costs $0.01. To print 10,000 tracts here in Argentina is US$100; to print 100,000 tracts costs US$1,000. Please pray for this need. I would like to ask you and your church to consider taking up an offering for this need. Let’s go forward by faith and have a great impact on Argentina and surrounding countries.

During the last 10 days of the year, December 21-31, we are organizing and planning on passing out 10,000 Gospel tracts per day at the major intersections of the city. When a car stops at a stoplight, we will be giving a Gospel tract or booklet to the driver. We will do this for 2 to 3 hours a day with 30 volunteers. We will also be witnessing and passing out invitations to come to our church. This will be the first time for us to do this. Please pray!

Pastor Jose Alderete is pastoring a church about 45 minutes south of us. His city has a population of 30,000. He has set a goal of passing out a Gospel tract to every home and giving a personal invitation to come to their church. I just gave him 16,000 full-color Gospel tracts to help him with this goal. On the right is a picture of some of his soul winners.

Thank you for your love and support! May you have a great, fun-filled Christmas and a great hope to reach this world with the Gospel during the year 2021.

Here to serve,

Brian R. George