Brandon Heselschwerdt Prayer Letter:  A Full and Fun MonthWhere do I begin? This month has been one full and fun month for our family. The month began with our youngest daughter Esther coming up to Ali during breakfast and telling her that she was scared, because if she died, she would go to Hell. Well, I’m overjoyed to say that Ali was able to talk to Esther about Heaven and Hell and all that Christ did for her so she could go to Heaven. They then prayed together, and little Esther prayed the sweetest prayer, asking Jesus Christ into her heart. Amen, God is good all the time!

July 5 marked my last day of working as an X-ray technician for over nine years and the jumping into full-time deputation. We are blessed to be on the road full-time, and it has been a blessing seeing God bless and move.

We want to say thank you to all of you who have been praying for us, as we have been traveling a lot and pulling a camper. We made it to the West Coast for the meetings we have there over the next couple of months. Also, thank you to the four churches this month that have partnered with us to reach the lost in East Africa. We are now up to 18 percent. Thank you!

Lastly, we want to share some praises of four souls we were able to personally see come to trust Christ as their personal Saviour this month. First was Fernando. We went soul winning with Iglesia Bautista de Anaheim, and my wife and another woman in the church began to witness to him. The man was interested but somewhat confused. A gentleman named Richard from Iglesia Bautista and I were able to follow up with him, and after Richard went through the Scriptures with him for several minutes, Fernando placed his trust and faith in Christ Jesus!

Two others this month were Ivan and Lamar. My family and I were spending the afternoon at the Santa Ana Zoo for some family time when we had the opportunity to witness to these two men. Both of them—praise the Lord—trusted Christ. Please pray that these men will find a good solid church in their area to grow in Christ. Last was Margo. We had just arrived at the airport in Atlanta, Georgia, when we had to pick our rental car up for the weekend. We were Margo’s last customer, and I was able to strike up a conversation with her. Sadly, she was faithful to church but thought no one could know for sure they were on their way to Heaven. Well, we praise God that we can know for sure from the promises from His Word. After showing her from my Bible how she could know for sure, she was excited and ready at that moment to call upon Christ as her Saviour, and that is exactly what she did. Praise God!

We again say thank you for your prayers and support, as they make all of this possible. These four individuals are now children of God and on their way to Heaven because you invested in reaching the lost for Christ. Thank you and may God bless you.

Your co-labourers for lost souls in East Africa,

Brandon, Ali, Jeffrey, Hannah, & Esther Heselschwerdt
Romans 10:14