Angel Lopez Prayer Letter:  You Keep Us in GuatemalaI would like to visit the churches that help us and thank you in person for your financial support and for your notes of encouragement. Some churches gave us a Christmas offering. Your help has given us a big shot in the arm and has definitely helped to keep us in Guatemala. We expect more opportunities and challenges in this new year.


On the 18th of December, my wife and I celebrated our 40th wedding anniversary with dinner on the grounds after the church service. A lady was saved during that service, and many came to the altar to make decisions for the LORD. The friendship and support of God’s people have made it all the more a blessed event for us. Thank you all!


The Baptist mission that we started in this town is practically independent now. Please pray for the Madrid family.


Please pray for this work. People are getting saved on a weekly basis. Fernando, the manager of a tavern here, got saved. His wife Cristina and his three children are coming to church every Sunday. Please pray that Fernando can come to church soon.


For the time being, there is no mail service in Guatemala. Please do not send us any mail until further notice.

Thank you again for your friendship, prayers, and support. Blessings to every one of you for the new year.


Angel Lopez

66 saved