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Angel Lopez Prayer Letter: The Steps of a Good Man“The steps of a good man are ordered by the LORD . . . .” (Psalm 37:23)

We are again pleased to extend our greetings to you this month of July 2019 in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Again, thank you so much for supporting our ministry here in Guatemala. We are always thankful for your prayers and financial support. Thank you for letting us be your co-laborers here on the mission field.


Three times a week, we teach a Bible class to junior high students at the local public school here in Cristo Rey. With God’s help and through your prayers, we continue to meet the challenge of bringing these young people face to face with the truths of God’s Word. Despite some difficulties over bad attitudes among the students, we are thrilled to have this opportunity to reach the people of our church’s own neighborhood. Thank you so much for your prayers. Please keep praying for our school ministry here.


Last April, our church bus broke down. The hydraulic master cylinder went out completely, meaning no brakes whatsoever. Then on May 25, our pickup truck broke down, which left us with no transportation whatsoever. While we were praying about this situation, I decided to hold church services on June 4, 2019, in the homes of our bus people in order to continue our work without losing people. As a result, we are preserving our attendance, and we are continuing to see people saved. Thank God! Meanwhile, we are doing repairs on the pickup truck little by little so that we will at least be able to use it for transportation.

On June 28, we gave our church bus to a sister church in Huehuetenango, the Independent Fundamental Baptist Church of Petanchiim, pastored by Pastor Olivio Tomas. That church will be able to repair the bus and use it to bring people to church there. As for our church services here in Cristo Rey, our people now either walk to church or else they use public transportation to get here. Due to the public-transportation schedule, we must now hold our Sunday evening church services earlier in the afternoon. Because of this, we, unfortunately, will no longer be able to Skype our services to churches in the United States. It is our hope and expectation that God will provide us with church transportation in His time, and when He does, we will start up our bus route again. Glory to God!

Thank you again for your prayers. May God richly bless all of you.


Angel Lopez

Angel Lopez Prayer Letter: The Steps of a Good Man“Por JEHOVA son ordenados los pasos del hombre . . . .” (Salmo 37:23)

Nuevamente les extendemos nuestros saludos en este mes de Julio de 2019, en el nombre de nuestro Señor y Salvador Jesucristo. Muchas gracias por apoyarnos en Guatemala. Siempre estamos agradecidos por sus oraciones y su ayuda financiera.


Continuamos ensenando tres veces por semana una clase de Biblia a estudiantes de secundaria en la escuela publica local en Cristo Rey. Por favor sigan orando por nuestro ministerio escolar.


En Abril 2019, nuestro autobus de la iglesia se descompuso. El master cylinder se arruino por completo, es decir se quedo sin frenos. Luego el 25 de Mayo, nuestro pick up tambien se descompuso. Esto nos dejo sin transporte completamente. Mientras orabamos por esta situacion; el 4 de Junio 2019, decidi hacer servicios en los hogares de las personas que vienen a la iglesia en el bus para continuar nuestro trabajo sin perder personas. Como resultado estamos manteniendo la asistencia y seguimos viendo mas personas salvas, gracias a Dios.

Mientras tanto, estamos haciendo reparaciones en el pick up poco a poco para tener al menos transporte para realizar los servicios durante la semana en los hogares. El 28 de Junio, dimos nuestro autobus de la iglesia a una iglesia hermana en Huehuetenango, Iglesia Bautista Fundamental Independiente, pastoreado por el pastor Olivio Tomas. Esta iglesia podra reparar el bus y usarlo para transporte de personas que vienen a esta iglesia.

En cuanto a nuestra iglesia en Cristo Rey, nuestra gente camina hacia la iglesia o usa transporte público para asistir a los servicios. Debido al horario del transporte publico para asistir a la iglesia, nuestras reuniones del domingo en la tarde las realizamos mas temprano.
Nuestra esperanza es que Dios provea el transporte para la iglesia en su tiempo y cuando esto suceda, comenzaremos la ruta del bus nuevamente.

Gracias por su valiosa ayuda. Gracias por sus oraciones. Dios les bendiga grandemente.


Angel Lopez