Andrew Steers Prayer Letter:  Nothing Short of a Miracle!Glory and praise to God for His mercy and boundless grace! Thank you for praying for the success of my deep brain stimulation surgery on July 1. Prior to the 7-hour procedure, my doctor had suggested up to a 25% improvement. The result was nothing short of a miracle, with at least 90% relief in muscle pain to date. My neurologist even acknowledged that the prayers of so many friends helped him and the neurosurgeon perform the procedure. He believes I am only the second person in the world with right hemiplegia cerebral palsy to have emerged from the operation so successfully. He is now preparing to revise his own research and will be publishing the results in due course.

During the 11-day stay in the hospital, I had the privilege of being used to lead Alistair to the Lord. From a rural community far north of Sydney, he assumed we all get to Heaven by our goodness; it was a pleasant surprise for him to be shown from the Bible (using my KJB smartphone app) that going to Heaven was exclusively a gift. All he had to do was admit his lost condition, believe on Jesus, and ask for His precious gift; that he did in a hospital café. After he trusted Christ, his whole countenance changed. I left him a tract once I found his hospital room.

Prayer Requests:

1. Continued healing from muscle fatigue—the doctor said it could take two to three months to recover from such a lengthy surgery.
2. Katie to get saved and come to church—she is a lady whom Laura and I have been following up on recently.
3. Missionary Pastor Rijn Abrell in Melbourne, Victoria, to make a full recovery from a recent stroke—Praise God, he is making progress, albeit slowly.

Again, thank you for your continued faithful support.

Sincerely yours in the service of the King,

Andrew Steers