Andrew Steers Prayer Letter:  Joy Cometh in the Morning“. . . in his favour is life: weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning.” (Psalm 30:5)

Few of us who persevere in seeking the lost with the Gospel, but who struggle to see folks come to know the One Who has all the answers to life’s woes, will disagree with the joy that comes when such a decision is made. Better still is when we see a person, who has not been faithful to church for a couple of years, return with his teenage daughter, and within weeks of returning, respond to the invitation at the close of the service by raising his hand for salvation. In the meantime, Laura was able to sit down with his daughter recently, following a morning service, and show the Gospel to her (again). Praise the Lord! She likewise accepted Jesus into her heart. Even more encouraging was to see her bring her boyfriend to church more recently. Please pray that Jacob not only returns to church but that he, too, can be reached with the Gospel.

Your ongoing prayers would also be appreciated for Nicole and her teenage son James. This is the single mom who has health issues and who comes from a background of neglect and abuse. Nonetheless, this is one more precious soul who longs to be in church again. It just so happens that Laura and I, who have been following up on her week after week, have not given up on her. Again, we are reminded of a statement often heard when in Bible college many years ago: “People don’t care how much you know until they first know how much you care.” Jesus cared so much for each one of us that He gave His life that we might live eternally with Him in Heaven someday. As His ambassadors, we need to press on with finding those who need a touch of His love.

Meanwhile, your prayers for Cassandra’s salvation are very much welcomed. So consistent in her attendance, just last week, she began asking us about going soul winning. Besides her recognized need of salvation, and with multiple children of her own to keep after, finding the time to do so is a separate challenge.

Once again, we cannot sufficiently express our appreciation for your ongoing prayers and monetary support for our labor in this corner of the globe. The world around us may reject Christ and the message He expects us to proclaim on His behalf, but the race is yet to be won. Regardless of our respective dispositions (inhibited by health issues, discouragement, or the like), none of us can forget His own words, “I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.”

Brother Andrew Steers