thumbnail of Andrew Steers Sep-Oct 2022 Prayer LetteraAndrew and Laura Steers Prayer Letter: Rejoice in the Lord AlwayPhilippians 4:4 – “Rejoice in the Lord alway: and again I say, Rejoice.”

While the word alway is an archaic form of always, it simply means “all the way” or “the whole way.” Regardless of the trials or challenges which beset each of us in our lives, as Christians, the Lord wants us to rejoice in all circumstances, good and bad. Since my last prayer letter, we have multiple reasons for which to rejoice.

We rejoice that we have been able to go to an organized soul-winning time most Saturdays. While following up on a contact, I was able to see Lee trust Christ as his Saviour. His wife is already saved, and they attend church with family in another city. We met Ed at his front door, again while following up on a contact. As I began to witness to him, he stopped me, got out his phone, and called his young adult son to come to the door so he could hear as well. As I shared the Gospel with Ed and Ed Jr., Laura was able to witness to his wife. Father and son trusted Christ, but Phan, while open to hearing the way of salvation, did not get saved that day. We were also able to speak with Eric, Monica’s brother. He was already saved, and he visited church with us. Their mother has multiple sclerosis, so one of them usually needs to be at home to care for her. Their family is a blessing to us, and we are praying they will continue to grow in their faith and be able to come to church more.

We rejoice that a seasoned orthopedic surgeon, with whom I consulted this week, has advised against any kind of knee surgery. I had been scheduled for knee-cap replacement surgery in Tasmania, but insurance issues delayed that for a year. This orthopedic said it would have been catastrophic to have had that surgery, especially given my cerebral palsy. To be honest, I did not understand at the time why the surgery was delayed, and I probably did not rejoice in that circumstance as I should have, but the Lord in His mercy was keeping me from a lifetime of suffering had that surgery proceeded. This doctor has offered gel shots and perhaps Botox as much less invasive solutions to help my knee pain and increase my mobility.

We rejoice also in Laura’s cancer marker falling from 89.8 in July down to 12.8 in early October, meaning that there is a drastic decrease in the evidence of cancer in her body. (Anything above 30 is bad.) No, it does not mean that the battle is over, but it is most encouraging news. How the Lord has helped her thus far is truly miraculous. We are praying that the Lord will heal her completely!

Appreciation is conveyed to those supporting churches which have been burdened to contribute something toward Laura’s medical expenses. Thank you. Others of you have blessed us in other ways, and this is acknowledged also. We know that the prayers of God’s people in Jesus’ name have made a difference. Again, thank you.

In and through the love of Christ, and all for His glory,

Brother Andrew Steers