Zach Foust Prayer Letter:  One-Year Anniversary for Church in San GabrielDear Praying Friends and Supporting Churches,

What an exciting and busy time for our family as we minister to the people here of Lima, Peru! We started out our New Year here with plans for our one-year anniversary service of Iglesia Bautista International of San Gabriel to be held on January 26. We were hoping to break our previous attendance record of 83 that we had set back in November. Praise the Lord! We were able to have 95 people attend our anniversary service! It was so exciting to see the people get involved, inviting friends and relatives and serving in various capacities. We were honored to have Dr. Darrell Moore, who was here visiting from the States, to be our guest preacher for this exciting service. We are so thankful for the 9 people who were saved on our anniversary day.

It is hard to believe that a year has gone by already since the opening of our church in San Gabriel. When we see the lives that have been changed for God’s glory, the souls that have been added to His kingdom, and the furtherance of the Gospel that has been accomplished, we can’t help but praise God and give Him the honor due to His name. We have so much more to do for Him this year. Please pray with us that this church will continue to honor Christ and to accomplish much for the Lord.

Jhonatan is a young man who joined our church with his family some months ago. He came to us with a tender heart for the Lord and a good relationship with his family. Since then, he has grown tremendously in the Lord. Jhonatan has a strong desire to do God’s will in his life and has become very influential with the teens of our church. Additionally, he has been working for me in various ways, including organizing those who serve in our church, leading Bible studies, cleaning and fixing the church property, and soul winning and visitation. Please pray for Jhonatan, as he will be attending pilot’s school in Argentina for three months. We have already put him in contact with a good church to attend and serve while he is there.

It looks as though very soon a church will be planted in a nearby area by workers from San Gabriel. One service a week is currently being held by these workers. We are at this time working to physically build a structure capable of sustaining a growing church. Currently they are meeting in a tiny storefront. Please pray that God would supply the financial needs, that God would give Bro. Paul Yanez direction and wisdom, and that this new church would bring honor to the Lord.

Our family is doing well. School is in full swing here, and the boys are doing very well. Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers that we would be Christ-honoring with our lives.

His for souls,

Zach and Karin Foust, Zachary, C.J., and Logan