Abraham Avila Prayer Letter: He Wanted to Hear the Rest of the StoryHe wanted to hear the rest of the story.

We decided to go a different route this Saturday as we walked out of the church to go soul winning. We headed up the mountain and soon came upon a little market. We saw a group of people in a circle laughing. It turned out to be a mom and her children with the addition of a neighbor, a little boy by the name of William. I stopped and started a conversation with them. After a few minutes, I invited them to church. They were pretty excited. I started to witness to them, and they were following along.

As soon as I got to the end, out of the market came a little old lady, hobbling up to us and yelling something to the mom in Quechua, a native South American language. From what I could tell, she was telling the mom to leave because her husband was waiting for her. She sheepishly looked down and smiled, and she quickly walked away. I was bummed and really upset at the same time. I looked around as the group walked away and noticed a pair of little eyes looking right at me. It was William. He had stayed behind because he said he wanted to hear the rest of the story. I finished witnessing to him, and he accepted Jesus Christ as his Saviour.

I thank you for your sacrifices.

In the early years of our marriage, my wife and I made family goals. One of them was that whenever possible, we would always do things together as a family. Joining Team Peru has been one of the greatest decisions for our family. I love watching my children as they invite other children and adults to church. Saturday and Sunday afternoons are the tipping points for our family. I’m pretty sure that this is probably true for anyone who works in a ministry. I can tell that their little bodies are tired from all that they have done in the last 48-72 hours. Seeing my children get physically tired from working together in the ministry and trying to keep up with Mom and Dad is heartwarming. I thank God for this opportunity. I thank you for your sacrifices.

To be continued . . .

I am thankful for praying and giving friends such as you. If it weren’t for you, my family and I would not be able to be here in Lima, Peru. We love you and pray for you often. I pray that the Lord continues to bless you and your family.

I have included links below for more information and pictures of the various ministries of Team Peru (IBI). Please feel free to share them with friends and families who may ask, “Hey, what is Team Peru up to?”


Prayer Requests:

• Safety for our family, our team leader Dan Hubbard, and the other families of Team Peru
• Additional monthly financial support
• Health for the families of Team Peru


• We have seen 21 souls saved.
• Sunday school class children are soul winning and bringing visitors to church.
• We had been praying for a specific need and told no one but God. God used Jeff Bollman of Next Day Toner Supplies, Inc. to answer our prayer. Thank you very much, Bollman Family.

Thank you once again for your prayers and support.

Your co-laborers to Peru,

Abraham, Fabiola, Marco, Leilani, and Joaquin Avila