Eddie Arold Prayer Letter:  Adventures in ThailandThe month of October was, as usual, an Arold adventurous month. We started off the month with the birth of our baby boy, Joshua Abel. He began life in the NICU with pneumonia, but God brought him through. He is home and doing very well.

October is school vacation for the kids in Thailand and normally one of our months with the lowest attendances. However, the Lord blessed us with an average of 90 for the month, which is 10 more than last month.

One of our two church plants is completely done, and we have been having services in preparation for our Grand Opening on November 23. For the other church plant, we will be using a person’s land and having services there. The person is a relative of our national pastor. Our church anniversary is also on November 22, so we will have a busy month.

We had two Mexican families come to visit us in the past few months and will be coming to join us, I believe, by March and June respectively.

Our soul-winning conference is June 22-26 with Evangelist Larry Brown and his son, Pastor Joe Brown, from Washington, Iowa. If you have never visited the 10/40 Window of the world, June 22-26 would be a great time. Hotel and food will be free, and you will have the chance to meet missionaries and pastors from perhaps the most Gospel-deprived places in this world.

Eddie Arold Family