Team Thailand Update:  Bursting at the Seams!The Lord continues to build Independent Baptist Church of Hua Hin, as we faithfully witness, teach, and train. The reality is that we are running out of room to comfortably seat our church members. Since August we have started a teen Sunday school class and a Karen ladies’ Sunday school class, and God has used both classes to be a great blessing to our members. Last Sunday we had 192 total, with 30 in Junior Church, 35 in the nurseries, and just over 125 in the auditorium. We currently rent one small, two-story storefront building where we have Sunday English and Junior Church and one three-story storefront building where we have 4 Sunday school classes, 2 nurseries, and the main auditorium. (Below are pictures of the Sunday morning service last week.)

While we are praying for land, we have devised a plan to utilize the buildings and space that God has given us. In January we will be splitting up our people into the two buildings, and we will be starting the Independent Baptist Karen Church of Hua Hin. A large percentage of our regular members are Karen. Some understand and speak Thai or English, but most of them understand the Karen language best. This change will give them their own space to meet where the services will be in their own language. Then in the other building, we will have services in Thai and English. As the team leader, I am very excited about this transition, because it will give our trained men more opportunities to preach and teach. Please pray for this change and that the Lord will strengthen both churches with new members who are excited about the Lord.

We will also be starting a college and career singles’ class in January where our staff men, Singat and Pong, will be teaching these young adults how to live a victorious Christian life. These young people are the hope of Thailand; please pray as they grow in the Lord in understanding and wisdom.

As you pray for the team and send your support, would you please join us in praying that God will give us land where we can build a church building, Sunday school classrooms, a Bible-training center, and a school building. The need is great, but God’s promises are greater!

Thank you for supporting God’s work here in Thailand!

Tim Shook and Team Thailand
