Team Thailand Update:  A Growing Work Needs More LaborersYoung Men in the Church With a Burden

Several of our faithful church members are a group of young men from Burma who have settled in Thailand for work. Recently during a fellowship in one of our church member’s homes, a young man asked that we pray for the Lord to allow a Burmese ministry in our church and that God would work in the lives of their family members back in Burma. We are currently working around their work schedule to start an evening discipleship training time in their homes. It is our prayer that the Lord will call some of these men to go back and minister to their own people!

New Single Ladies’ Class

This month Miss Shari House started a new Sunday school class, Ladies of Grace. God has given Miss Shari years of experience, as she has served the Lord as a missionary in three different continents for 20 years. One of our staff ladies, Khun Da, translates the lesson from Thai to the Karen language. Please pray for Miss Shari, as she has this tremendous opportunity to teach and train our young ladies.

Preparing for Deputation

Please join us in praying for the Inman family as they prepare to return to America for deputation. Their family joined the team in July of 2008, and they have joyfully dedicated seven years of service on the field. God has used their family to start several truck routes and two Sunday school classes. They have brought many folks to Christ, discipled personal converts, and have added faithful members to our ministry. Brother Chad and Mrs. Sarah are vital members of our team! They plan to leave Thailand sometime in December and start their travels in January. Our team will take a great loss in their absence, but we are already anticipating their return.

It is their desire to serve in Thailand for the rest of their lives, and they have proven themselves faithful stewards. Please consider them as you look to support other missionaries. Thailand needs them to return quickly!

First Furlough

Please pray for the Mercer family while they are back in America during the months of October and November on their first furlough after 2½ years on the field. God has allowed them to start a truck route, a teen Sunday school class, a Sunday soccer ministry, and a monthly teen girls’ activity in these past few years. Please pray for their safety as they travel to new churches and take some time to visit with their families.

As the Lord continues to grow our ministry, we pray for more laborers, as there is much work to be done. Please pray for us, as we are preparing to start several new teaching and training services throughout the week in different areas of the community. We will be using church members who have gone through the discipleship material that Pastor Tim has been teaching for the last five months. These folks will have the opportunity to open up their homes and teach their friends and neighbors about their God. It is our prayer that this will give our people more opportunities to grow in the Lord. Thank you for your faithful support and prayers as we work for Him here in Thailand!

Tim Shook & Team Thailand