Ricardo Leyva Prayer Letter:  We Walk by Faith!After settling once again on the mission field, the month of August continued to be another month of getting to know the state of the church, the state of the house church, and the state of the Bible institute with regard to our literature (tracts, Bibles, books, DVDs), our equipment (printers, computers, projectors, etc.), our finances, and, most importantly, our people. “Be thou diligent to know the state of thy flocks, and look well to thy herds.” (Proverbs 27:23) There is always room to improve.

August was again, as it normally is, a very hot month. We are happy that is over. Right now it is just hot, but the extreme heat is over. The Cuban pastor left for Mexico for two months to raise some support while I watched over the ministries.

On September 12, two weeks after he returned from Mexico, I flew to California for some meetings that I had scheduled last year while on furlough. One was a missions conference, which I enjoyed very much. (Missions conferences are my favorite meetings to be in and to be a part of.) Needless to say, it was a great conference. I also had four other single meetings. Each one was unique and a blessing in a different way. One took us on for support right away. Another was very generous. Another one sent gifts for my wife, and another one provided some special needs.


I went soul winning several times during my stay in the States. I witnessed to several people, and I was able to lead 4 souls to Christ. I took time to visit my nephew who has lived in California for 26 years now and whom I had not seen since then. I witnessed to him and his wife, and they both got saved. I thank God that now as a Christian I can not only visit relatives and spend time with them but also share the greatest gift from God. “For the wages of sin is death; BUT THE GIFT OF GOD IS ETERNAL LIFE THROUGH JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD.” (Romans 6:23)

When I planned this trip, I did not know where I would be staying between meetings, how I would get to places (not having a car), or if I would be able to fill every open date for the time I was in the States. But on faith, I went, and God showed me the blessings! “FOR WE WALK BY FAITH, NOT BY SIGHT.” (II Corinthians 5:7)

Please pray for:

1. Our family.
2. Our ministry.
3. Our finances.

The Leyva Family
Serving Christ in Cuba