Paul Sock Prayer letter: New Church GatheringOur weather has been warmer here, with 45°F days. We haven’t seen flowers yet, but we see the sprouts shooting up from the ground. Spring brings new life and new growth, which makes us feel refreshed, the same as the Lord does in our ministry work here in Warsaw, Poland.

Most of our people at Gospel Baptist Church moved on. One lady moved completely to another city. Another lady got really ill. A man went to the Netherlands. A few others have not come for most of the winter months due to poor health. Our brother from Portugal is moving back to his country in March. We will miss him, because he was a very willing servant while he was here. His company gave paint, and he helped me and some other men paint inside the church. He often sang in the services and played the guitar for us. He also gave food and other products to the church. Whenever we had church dinners, he thanked my wife and really enjoyed the meals. Brother Paulo was a huge blessing and joy to have in our presence for a time. Another man decided to attend a larger Polish Baptist church because he wants his children to be around more Polish children; they are from Ukraine. In the ministry you have to see people come and go, which sometimes brings sadness to our hearts.

This winter was difficult for my health. The weather was damp and wet for a few months. The normal ice and real cold did not come to Poland, so the climate seemed too wet. I had a cough that would not leave me for months. It meant casino online that I had to stay indoors and keep warm as much as possible. Many others in Poland had this same sickness. It seemed to be an epidemic this winter. Thankfully, I am feeling better, and the cough has nearly gone.

God filled our hearts, after all the people left the church, with a new gathering of precious Polish
brethren. We have been having wonderful services with a group of about 15-20 people. God put a Polish pastor in my path who needed a place to meet. The very Sunday we met, this brother told me that his church had been told to leave the place they were meeting at and had returned the keys to the owner. An American friend invited my wife and me and this Polish pastor and his wife over for dinner so that we could meet. It had to be divine Providence that this brother had a real need, and we were able to fill his need. Thank God! Our international group grew last Sunday when a young man from Rwanda joined us.

We are grateful for all the ways that God is working here in Poland. Pray for our safety. Recently two bridges in the city of Warsaw were burned, and the Polish government is blaming Russian terrorists, such as those who invaded Ukraine (our neighboring country). In the media you have probably heard that the poor Ukrainians have had a nightmare war brought on by Russian forces. Pray for this country and its people.

Recently our visa inspector told me he had good news. He had turned our paperwork in to be signed, and in a few days, we were to receive our visa decision. We have been waiting since November 2013 when we submitted everything for a decision. This was an excessively long time, as the usual time is three to four months. Anyway, we will be excited to receive this visa. It is for permanent residency.

Prayer Requests

1. Pray for everything to work out with our new gathering.
2. Pray for our health and safety.
3. Pray for the conference to be held at our church in May with Missionary Tom Hastings from Germany.

More than conquerors,

Paul Sock